A year ago I left Limerick City to return home after saying goodbye to my son ... he was leaving for London. I was glad it was only London and not to the other side of the world as so many have had to do to seek employment. Ireland invested a considerable amount of taxpayers money in educating my son, as they did all the young men and women who have now been forced to leave because of the gross ineptitude of our political elite. While they were (and still are) driving our brightest and best away, I drove home mostly teary-eyed as the sun was setting.
Oil on canvasboard 5" x 7".
This little painting is more colourful and sharper than the image, darker paintings are harder to capture well on my camera.
Oil on canvasboard 5" x 7".
This little painting is more colourful and sharper than the image, darker paintings are harder to capture well on my camera.